Sunday, 20 May 2018


Back in Bury I know where I could have passed on my left over plants to but here and not knowing anyone, not so easy.  We did drop a handful off at O's other grandma's on our way to Dunbar which gave us a chance to say hello.  To Ken's horror I pigeon-holed a young couple who I saw working on their garden on our new estate and asked if they wanted a load of baby plants and dropped off most of them there.  That still left me with a few things - I can't bin them so I invested in four large (plastic pots) and planted them in there for at least this summer.  I will see how they fare and then think about their future home.  Gladioli (sword lily), Liatris Spicata (button snakewort, Kansas gay feather),  Dahlia, Triteleia 'Queen Fabiola' (star flower, triplet lily, wild hyacincth)

nothing to see here ......

Terrific Morrisons turned up trumps again.... we stopped in for some milk and they had three different (!!!) varieties of passion flower one of which was the one I wanted (Caerulea).  There is a story behind my wanting these for this garden.  I had never tried growing passion flower because I thought it wasn't hardy enough to make it 'up North'.  A couple of years ago I rescued four plants from a 49p tray outside some supermarket, two of which were passionflowers; all of which looked dead as a dodo.  They absolutely romped away and by their second season I was having to hack them back to keep them in their allotted space.

Since moving here I wanted another pair but was very reluctant to pay the required ten pounds and more for each of them only to discover that the Newtongrange climate would decidedly knock them on the head.  Et voila there they were outside Morrisons, in considerably better condition than the miraculous dead sticks I bought before, and for the princely sum of £1.76 each.

They are to go against a pair of trellises which aren't in the garden yet, so I potted them on to a larger pot to keep them going.

two passion-flowers-to-be

Time to take advantage of the lovely sunshine..... we already have the beginnings of a nice place to sit with your cuppa in the day.  Right now it is a case of a small table and two fold-away chairs but it was a very pleasant half hour.

add roses, lavender and some more pots

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